Updating plugins can bring the benefit of increased speed and ensure your website is operating at maximum speed.

If you’re not regularly updating your website plugins, be they from WordPress, Joomla! or Magento, you’ve potentially got a big problem. In fact, we’d go as far as saying it could be a disaster waiting in the wings for your website. Today we’re going to discuss the importance of updating your website plugins.

Importance of Updating Your Website Plugins

A website may look the same to your visitors, but the back end can be an ever-changing hive of activity. While the majority of the code remains static, there are always new updates being released by platform developers. Some of these updates simply make a site load faster, while others prevent hackers obtaining private information. Website plugins also receive their fair share of updates, offering users new features and increasing security levels.

There are five key reasons why updating your website plugins is critical and we’ll start with the most important one: security.

  1. Website security – no one wants their website to get hacked, yet every day unscrupulous individuals find their way into thousands of sites. A website which is up to date is always secure, giving you peace of mind in knowing that both your data and that of your customers remains safe.
  2. Improved functionality – the WordPress platform is regularly updated and consequently so are most of its If you fail to perform regular plugin updates, you run the risk of them not working correctly.
  3. Improved features – like functionality, website plugins are revised to improve the number and quality of features they provide. Many new features provide you with additional benefits, so it’s well worth updating them.
  4. Increased speed – plugins have the potential to slow down the loading times of your website. Developers know this and are continually fine-tuning them to reduce their impact on your site’s speed. An updated plugin ensures your website is operating at maximum speed.
  5. No bugs – we all make mistakes and plugin developers are no different. Thankfully bugs are reported by users and other developers often, and consequently corrected. To prevent the occurrence of annoying errors and quirks on your site, it’s important that plugins remain up to date.

A well developed and designed website can be easily updated, without any issues. A poorly constructed website can’t, which causes even more headaches for website owners. For a website which can be relied upon to run and update without any hassles, chat with us today. We’re experts in the web development industry and look forward to being of assistance to you and your business.

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