
With Christmas just around the corner, we wanted to extend our warmest wishes to you for the holiday season, and say a big thank you for choosing us as your digital partners. We can keep doing what we love because of your continued support.


It’s been a big year (again) with a few changes and innovations, so please take some time to catch up with FutureLab’s news below:


Moving to cloud-based hosting

Over the last few months we’ve been slowly moving our hosting into the cloud with AWS. Cloud hosting is secure and allows for faster load speeds and more uptime. We had a couple of hiccoughs during the process but all is working smoothly now – thank you all for your patience! Read more about what cloud hosting means for you.


New support channel

We have launched a new dedicated support channel for you to log issues, request help and so on. So far we’ve had a positive response to the channel and many of you are already making use of this facility. A reminder that we have website support packages available that can help give you peace of mind for content support, small changes and a faster support time.


Brand refresh for FutureLab

We’ve been so busy helping get other New Zealand & Aussie companies online that our own online presence was languishing a bit. So in July and August we underwent a re-branding process with help from our creative director. Our brand new look on the website is the result. We are fast becoming NZ’s specialist WordPress and custom web developers and we think our new website look reflects that. Read more about our rebranding.


2017 NZ WordCamp

The WordPress community is a global phenomenon, and we wouldn’t be able to operate without it! This year we’ve dived headfirst into the New Zealand WordPress community, sponsoring & organising Auckland WordPress Meetups. Plus, we’re busy organising the 2017 NZ WordCamp, which we hope to make an annual event.


Christmas Opening Hours

We are closing at 4pm on the 23rd December, reopening 4th January. During the holiday, please call 09 280 3470 for urgent web issues – ie, your website is down! For non-urgent issues, please log them on our support channel and we’ll be in touch when we’re back on deck.


Once again, thank you for partnering with FutureLab, Season’s Greetings and a Happy New Year.
