
Getting a start-up business off the ground is a challenging process that takes time. Creating a well-designed website is a crucial step in this process, one that requires strategic thinking and creativity. Your website should leave an immediate impression on potential customers so that they continue to return to your business and spread the word about your company. Here are a few of the most effective ways to promote your start-up business with your website.

1. Develop Content Marketing Strategies

Content marketing is an important strategy for businesses of any size, but especially for start-up websites that don’t have an established online presence. The goal of content marketing is to create high-quality content that attracts people to your website. This is crucial for new businesses that need to target new audiences and reach as many people as possible. 

There are multiple aspects of content marketing. The type of content you create will depend on your business branding. Your content strategy could include a mix of blog posts, podcasts, newsletters, email invites, videos, e-books, white papers, and more. The most important thing is that the content is relevant, informative, searchable, and genuinely useful to your audience.

2. Make the Most of Social Media

Social media is an incredibly powerful tool today, especially when it comes to website promotion. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram can help your start-up website reach big audiences, but only if you use the platforms effectively.

Not every social media platform will be appropriate for every business. Your social media strategy will depend largely on your branding and your audience. Do some market research to determine which social platforms your target audience is using the most. B2B businesses, for example, are more likely to centre their social media strategies around LinkedIn, while eCommerce is more likely to target Instagram. From there, choose the most suitable platforms and start sharing relevant content with your audience.

Your social media posts should include links to your website and vice versa. Your social media page buttons should be highly visible on your website, preferably at the top of the page on the left or right-hand side. The prominence of your social media buttons on your website will communicate to users how important your social media presence is to your brand, so send the message that it matters.

3. Find SEO Opportunities

Following good SEO practices will be a huge determining factor in whether your start-up is noticed online. Without search engine optimisation, it will be very difficult for people to find your website and related content online. 

Good SEO practices are all about relevant keywords and effective link management. The content on your website should incorporate relevant keywords or phrases so that when people search for them online, they are led to your website. Your website content should also incorporate internal linking that will help to boost search rankings.  

Custom-built websites offer increased SEO opportunities, which will be incredibly valuable to your business. If you are not an SEO expert, some web development companies may be able to provide these services for you.

4. Create Branded Visuals and Content

Creating branded content for your website is more important than ever. The competition between businesses is high, and good branding can help your start-up business stand out. Building a custom website from scratch will give you the freedom to create unique website designs that speak to your company’s brand. A great colour scheme, a noticeable logo, great website copy, and an easy user experience are all essential components of website branding. A well-designed website with an distinct brand identity helps to build trust among customers, which will be key to your future business success.

Promote Your Start-Up with a Customised Website

FutureLab specialises in custom web development in NZ for businesses of all kinds. We design branded websites with the customer experience in mind and help clients reach their business goals. Get in touch with our team today to create a beautifully designed website that will bring attention to your business.
