
You’re looking for a new fully customised website, so you head to Google to find someone to build it for you. You’re either going to enter ‘custom web solutions’ or ‘web development.’ After all, they both mean the same thing, don’t they?

Actually, no. While it’s true that people with web design and web development skills share many of the same characteristics, they don’t produce identical results.  Today we’re going to explain the differences between these two terms to help you select the right website solution for your company.

What is Custom Web Design?

Custom web design provides you with a website solution tailor-made specifically for your business. It’s what we do here at Futurelab. We take a holistic view of your business; it’s reasons for needing a website, your services or products, and your branding to customise a 100% unique solution for your digital needs from the ground up.

A customised approach means we start from scratch when building a website. Only adding what you need, we cut through the “normal” clutter a pre-designed template gives, ensuring your visitors use the site exactly how you want them to.

A customised web solution also focuses on the aesthetics and usability of your website. The way it looks regarding graphics, font and colours, to the way a visitor navigates and interacts with the site are the important details for us. A complete outside-the-box solution, we bring dreams to life for our clients, and you’re next in line!

What is Web Development?

Website developers are sometimes called programmers or coders. They’re concerned with all the little parts which make up a website. Using HTML, CCS, Javascript, they write custom scripts for websites, setting up the code needed to show banners, forms and shopping carts.

Web development is focused on adapting a pre-built website platform, such as WordPress. It doesn’t mean that we give you the same solution as everyone else though. Your website is infinitely customisable, fully branded for your business and contains all the content you require it to have. It’s just not built specifically for your business alone.

Differences Between Custom Web Design & Web Development

The answer lies in the word ‘custom.’ A custom web solution means the entire website is built specifically for your business and your business alone. Our dedicated creative director and the team of programmers use their skills to completely customise you a website from the ground up. This option is the costlier of the two.

Web development does include making changes to an existing web platform but using something which is already built and which thousands of other websites are using too. However, the price point is lower than a custom web solution.

To find out more about our customised web design and development services, please contact our creative team today.

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