
Digital Growth for School Food Handler: Scaling with Precision and Speed

When School Food Handler approached us to design their website, they had grand aspirations. However, these were curtailed by their existing, outdated system. Their vision? A website that could accommodate hundreds of subsites (via WordPress Multisite) and serve tens of thousands of users. Our task was to revolutionise the technological aspect to bring this vision to life.

Collaboration at its Best

Creating a website isn’t just about coding; it involves understanding a myriad of functionalities. In this project, each subsite operated as a unique entity, capable of independently managing courses, users, and certificates. But there was a twist – many courses were common across subsites, and some information needed to be shared across districts.

To navigate this complex web of requirements, we established a systematic approach. We laid out a weekly work schedule and engaged in regular consultations with the School Food Handler team. This ensured we were always in sync, allowing us to provide updates and strategise for the upcoming week.

Incorporating Cutting-edge Technology

Performance was crucial. We wanted the subsites to be swift, dependable, and versatile. To this end, we augmented WordPress’s inherent capabilities by integrating headless components using the JavaScript library, React. Renowned for its speed, React allowed us to delegate certain processing tasks directly to users, enabling an almost fluid transition between pages.

The Result

Today, the website is a testament to digital resilience and efficiency. It supports an ever-increasing number of schools joining the program without compromising on performance or quality. Furthermore, it has a mandate from US authorities to oversee food safety certification in schools. Over a span of 12 months, we didn’t just deliver a secure and reliable website; we provided School Food Handler with a robust digital platform that supports their consistent growth ambitions.
