
Q Card Payment Gateway – Connect Directly to the Q Card API from your Online Store

The team at FutureLab have developed a custom plugin that connects to the new Q Card API from your online store. That means you can now offer your customers another way to pay online, without needing to pay merchant fees to a third party gateway.

Fast Facts about the Q Card Payment Gateway Plugin:

  • Add Q Card payments to your online store with our plugin
  • Connects directly with Q Card API so no merchant fees on transactions
  • Customers can also set Q Card finance options directly from your site
  • It’s a win/win for both merchants and customers

What is a payment gateway?

A payment gateway is a way to allow your customers to pay online for goods using their credit cards. Popular payment gateways include PayPal, DPS, Payment Express. However, as you will know if you run an online store, all those payment gateways charge the merchant transactions fees on each customer purchase. That’s because they are third party gateways/systems – PayPal, DPS and Payment Express all connect online stores to the customer’s credit cards.

So, what’s different about THIS payment gateway?

Our plugin does not process your transactions directly – it connects to the Q Card API, which is where the transactions are processed. So instead of paying a third party system to process payments, this plugin simply passes them along direct to the Q Card system. There are no transaction fees for the merchant to pay.

It’s a simplified way to allow customers to pay using their Q Cards on your online store.

Here’s a comparison of our Q Card plugin against a third party payment gateway such as the DPS plugin:

 FutureLab Q Card PluginDPS Payment Gateway Plugin
Allows Q Card online paymentsYesYes
Allows repayment optionsYesYes
Third Party Transaction Fees?NoYes
Direct Channel with Q Card API?YesNo
How does it work?

The plugin connects directly to the Q Card operating system. The access is granted through an API (application programming interface). Q Card have recently launched their API so this technology is very new, and only a few websites currently use it. Our plugin works differently to other plugins like DPS, which can also be used for Q Card payments. It doesn’t process the online payments within its own system like DPS does. It simply allows payments to be directly processed by Q Card, from your website. That’s why there are no associated transaction fees to pay.

Why enable Q Card payments on your site?

If you haven’t heard of Q Card, it’s essentially a credit card that also acts as a financing system for card users. If Q Card users purchase a big-ticket item, they can choose to pay off the item in interest-free instalments. Plus, repayments are delayed 3 months or longer, giving the customer ‘breathing space’ as Q Card suggests.

Enabling Q Card payments can encourage customers to purchase items from your store, since they benefit from the delayed repayment schedule and interest-free financing.

Our Q Card plugin also allows customers to set up payment of their purchase in 6 or 12 month instalments on their Q Card account. You’ll receive the purchase amount immediately, but the customer benefits from paying back their Q Card balance in instalments.

How can I get the FutureLab Q Card payment plugin for my online store?

As this API technology is so new, there are very few websites currently taking advantage of it. Contact us to discuss adding our plugin to your website and enabling a better way to pay online – for you and your customers.

We can write and configure this plugin for your Magento or WordPress online store.