
If you’ve ever wondered what a landing page is and whether your website needs one, you’re not alone. There are plenty of discussions around the planning, designing and using landing pages online, both in blogs and on social media. Answers vary from a landing page being your site’s home page, right through to a page with a strong call to action. However, the truth is, a landing page is a page on your website you have deliberately created to capture leads.

Understanding How a Landing Page Works

Each landing page has a clear goal: to collect the essential details from your visitors. Rather than trying to sell your visitor your product or service, you are providing them with something so valuable they are happy to share their contact details with you. What you provide is called a lead magnet. A lead magnet can range from an eBook, a cheat’s sheet, a downloadable template or a checklist. It has to be something related to what your business offers and which the visitor sees as being valuable and something they want! You then tell them what they need to do to get the lead magnet, called the call to action.

Let’s take a look at how the lead magnet fits into the workings of a landing page:

  • Your visitor is directed to your landing page, usually from a paid advertisement
  • They are presented with an irresistible offer; your lead magnet and a strong call to action telling them to enter their details into a form on the page
  • Your visitor enters their details, usually name and email address, which converts them from being a visitor or being a lead
  • Their information is stored in your leads database
  • Your lead is directed to a thank you page where they receive the lead You can also include other calls to action here, such as to check out your blog or contact you
  • You contact your leads to build up a solid relationship with them and to market your products or services to them

Why Using Landing Pages is Important

The number one reason why you need a landing page is that it generates leads for your business. It is much easier to sell to someone whom you have already developed a relationship with, demonstrated your competence and who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer. A lead has voluntarily given you their contact details because they were interested in your lead magnet. They are a warm lead and ready and waiting to become your customer or client!

Landing pages will also help you:

  • Collect information about your visitor’s demographics
  • Provide a place for you to present your best offers
  • Show you which offers or lead magnets work best with your target audience
  • Let you test out different aspects, such as your copy, images and keywords

When creating a landing page, all other distractions must be removed to maximise the leads you receive. The copy must also be meticulously written and tested to ensure maximum conversion rates too. We can help you with both of those here at FutureLab. Our web developers will build and design you the ideal landing page, with our copywriting team providing irresistible copy. We’ll take care of the testing and monitoring of the results from your pages, plus establish a high performing digital marketing program for it too.

For further information or to begin the process of custom building your new landing pages, please contact your FutureLab team now!